Kaylee & Ana

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Toddler Kaylee

I've always figured that after the whole "terrible two's" those meltdowns and strong personalities didn't just fade away when they turned 3. But I doubt anything could've fully prepared me for what "Kay the 3 yr old" would be like. In alot of ways she is always amazing us with these new things she learns on her own or from just paying attention. Her vocabulary has always amazed me and when we put our Christmas Tree in yesterday she said "Oh mommy, is so bootiful"! While holding her hands behind her back. And all day she has been bringing her "babies" over to the tree to "See Christmas". She is just starting to understand that Santa Claus is someone who will visit us and leave presents. I thought we'd draw him a picture instead of the cookies though. It has been tough though convincing her that the Santa's she's been seeing are not papa. haha

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